My personal approach has changed during the last years over and over again. However, meanwhile, I always use the same aliases. In this post, I assume that you know what aliases are and how they are used. I will show you some really cool things which are possible with aliases.
In case you don’t know how to add aliases, you can add all the examples below in the [alias]
section in your git configuration file. In most cases, this is a .gitconfig
in your home directory.
Pro-Tip: With git alias
a list of all your configured git aliases is shown. For the people who can’t remember all the aliases, they set up.
You have also to use this global configuration, that you get the wonderful formatting in the history I have. This should also go to your .gitconfig
changelog = format:* %h %s pretty-history = format:%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset
For anyone who doesn’t know how this works:
You can specify different and custom “prettys” in your .gitconfig
. In your git log command you can then specify them within an option like pretty=<your-custom-pretty>
. Cool, hm? You will see it several times in the tips below.
Anyways... let’s get started!
I will start with the first command, which is not a real git alias. But I still use it a lot. I really never use git pull
or so. It’s called git up
. You can find it here:
It fetches all locally tracked remote branches and rebases them. Really helpful! So with the command git up all branches are up to date!
These are the absolute standard abbreviations that I use. Nothing special. I just want to include them here, because I use them a lot. A lot more than git up
st = status
ci = commit
co = checkout
co-staged = !git diff-index --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | xargs git co
di = diff
staged = diff --cache
di-staged = !git diff-index --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | xargs git di
dilc = diff --cached HEAD^
fa = fetch --all -v
ff = pull --ff-only
rv = remote -v
pt = push --tags origin master:master develop:develop
Here is a very quick explanation of some of them, because i think most of them should be clear and are nothing special.
git co
and git co-staged
are quite the same. The only difference is, that git co-staged
checks the files out, that have the state in the staging area. Quick Example: Add a file to the staging area (State A), modify the same file (State B). If you are unhappy with the result, you can restore State A (from the staging area) with this git co-staged
.git di
and git staged
are also quite the same. But guess what, the only difference is, that git staged
shows only the diff from the files in the staging area. In both cases it shows the diff to your working tree.git di-staged
is really cool. It is similar to git staged
but the difference is, that it shows the diff between the staging area and your modified files.git dilc
gives you the diff between your working tree and the last commit.git fa
fetches all remote but be verbosegit ff
applies the changes from remote only when it would be possible via fast forwardgit rv
shows remote information with a verbose level (for instance url and such information)git pt
pushes all tags on master and develop. This is what I use, when I finished a release or hotfix in the known git flow.Here are some aliases I use regularly for browsing repositories
This is something I use when I copy and paste it as kind of a Change-Log into some README files or send it via mail.
cl = log --pretty=changelog --no-merges --cherry --abbrev-commit --date-order
This is something I use the whole day. With that i get a very quick detailed overview about the history.
ph = log --graph --pretty=pretty-history --abbrev-commit --date=relative
I often use this alias because it gives me some more details about some details in history, that the very quick pretty history does not give.
pdh = log --pretty=pretty-history --decorate --numstat
When you would like to see the history of a single file, you can use the file log alias.
fl = log -u
You have to append the file you are interested in.
If you are interested in some stats, you can use this one. I use it not very often, but from time to time it’s useful.
sl = log --oneline --reverse --no-merges --stat
If you don’t provide a range, you get will get it from the very first commit. Otherwise you have to provide a range like:
$ git sl ca30f3b6..b6e302e2
What you do the whole day, is to add files or hunks to the staging area. Here are some easy and quick tips how you can improve your workflow. I’m going to show you how i do it.
With this only files that are already tracked by git will be added to the staging area.
update = add -u
What i use also often is a small modification of the above, like
$ git update -p
What this does, is the same as git update, so adding files to the staging area that are already tracked, but the difference is, that you get asked for each file which portion you would like to add.
Git tries its best to separate the different parts. You can choose then if you would like to
Sometimes I am only interested in adding files to the staging area, that are modified and which are already in the staging area. Sounds confusing? It does, but it helps a lot. For instance, I use it very often in combination with my coding standards. Before applying coding standards I add a file to the staging area, after that I run git cs-staged
, then I have a file in the staging area (without cs-fixes) and a modified file (with cs-fixes). Then this command comes in and adds only these files, which are already in the staging area and are modified also.
I do not want to add these files blindly. Therefore I add it via -p so I can decide which hunk I would commit and which one not.
up-staged = !f() { git ls-staged; }; git add -p `f`
If you are updating/adding not the whole file (for instance if you are not satisfied with some cs-fixes) you can then bring the staging area and your local working tree to the same state with git co-staged
When you merge some branches and there come up some conflicts and you don’t want to resolve the conflicts manually, you can choose which modification you would like to apply. Here we go.
ours = "!f() { git co --ours $@ && git add $@; }; f"
theirs = "!f() { git co --theirs $@ && git add $@; }; f"
You are interested in some tags? Here we go.
In case you are using git flow as me, this alias is one i use a lot, before creating new versions or so.
lt = describe --tags --abbrev=0
What you get is something like this:
$ git lt v3.11.0
Personally I always apply the defined coding standards with the php-cs-fixer
before pushing to remote. This is my workflow I am used to to. This alias is one, you need that the others are working. Don’t forget, that you need a global installed php-cs-fixer
to get this working and ideally a configuration file that fit your needs in each project you are using it.
coding-standards = !php-cs-fixer fix
cs = !f() { git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR -r "$1" | xargs -n1 git coding-standards; }; f
This alias is available to uniformity, but I do not use it very often. What i really use is the one below git cs-staged
cs-staged = !git diff-index --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR HEAD | xargs -n1 git coding-standards